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Monday, February 21, 2011

OJEE 2011 Syllabus Lateral Entry Basic Electrical Engineering Odisha JEE

OJEE 2011 Syllabus Lateral Entry Stream Basic Electrical Engineering Odisha JEE

The syllabi given here for JEE-2011 (Lateral entry diploma holders in Engineering / Technology) is only illustrative and not exhaustive. Since JEE-2011 is conducted with a view to prepare a relative merit list only for admission, the decision of the JEE- 2011 committee as regards to the scope of syllabi is final. This paper is common to all the discipline except Pharmacy.

Electrostatics, Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics:
Coulomb’s Law, Gauss theorem and its applications in calculating the field intensity, potential gradient due to spherical, cylindrical and plane charges. Calculation of capacitance of spherical, coaxial, cylindrical and parallel plate condensers, dielectrics, energy stored in and electric field.

Circuital Law of magnetism, magnetic field intensity and flux density due to a long straight conductor, solenoid and toroid carrying current. Ferromagnetic material in a magnetic field, permeability B-H curves, cyclic magnetisation and hysteresis idea of magnetic circuit, mmf and reluctance, calculation of simple magnetic circuits, effect of leakage.

Faraday’s Law of electrodcmagnetic induction, e.m.f. in a conductor and a coil moving in a magnetic field. Self and mutual inductance series parallel combination, Energy stored in magnetic field.

D.C. Circuits : Idea of D. C. Circuits, power and energy in electric circuits, reduction of electric network by series, parallel and star-delta conversion, representation of voltage source and current source, Kirchoff Laws and their application to solve electrical circuits by branch and loop current method and nodal method. Transient phenomena in RL, RC and RLC circuits with D.C. excision.

A. C. Circuits : Alternating current voltage, different wave forms, average value, effective value and form factor. Sinusoidal voltage and current, amplitude, frequency and phase, addition and subtraction of A.C. quantities, phasor diagram, complex representation of sinusoidal quantities, reactance, impedance and admittance, simple series and parallel circuits and use of complex algebra in solving them, Power and power factor, active and reactive components, idea of power factor improvement, series and parallel resonance Q – factor. Introduction to three phase circuits, relation between phase and lien quantities. Star and Delta connection of sources and loads, active and reactive power in 3-phase circuits, single and two wattmeter method of power measurement. Steady circuit equations, solutions of simple coupled circuits containing R, L, C and M.

Instruments : Construction and principle of operation of permanent magnet moving coil, moving iron and dynamometer type ammeters and voltmeters, dynamometer type wattmeters. Illumination : Definition and units of luminous flux, luminous intensity, illumination, brightness, luminous efficiency.

Production of light : Filament lamps, halogen lamps, sodium and mercury vapour lamps, fluorescent lamps, lighting calculation by inverse Square law and light flux method, coefficient of utilization and maintenance factor.

Tags: OJEE 2011 Syllabus Lateral Entry stream diploma Basic Electrical Engineering Odisha JEE Syllabus download notification 2011 syllabus information brochure diploma course admission date admission form application forms syllabus 

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