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Friday, February 18, 2011

EAMCET 2011 Syllabus BOTANY Agriculture Medicine Stream

EAMCET 2011 Syllabus

* In accordance to G.O.Ms.No: 16 Edn., (EC) Dept., Dt: 25th Feb’ 04, EAMCET Committee has specified the syllabus of EAMCET-2011 as given hereunder.
* The syllabus is in tune with the syllabus introduced by the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P., for Intermediate course with effect from the academic year 2009-2010
(Ist year) and 2010-2011 (2nd year) and is designed at the level of Intermediate Course and equivalent to (10+2) scheme of Examination conducted by Board of Intermediate Education, AP.

* The syllabus is designed to indicate the scope of subjects included for EAMCET. The topics mentioned therein are not to be regarded as exhaustive. Questions may be asked in EAMCET-2011 to test the student’s knowledge and intelligent understanding of the subject.

* The syllabus is applicable to students of both the current and previous batches of Intermediate Course, who are desiring to appear for EAMCET-2011.

Subject: BOTANY

I. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Origin, development and scope of Botany 1.2. Classification of plant kingdom 1.3. Branches of Botany: Morphology, Cytology,
Embryology, Palynology, Taxonomy, Physiology, Ecology, Palaeobotany, Genetics, Phytogeography, Phycology, Mycology, Lichenology, Bryology,
Pteriodology, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Virology 1.4. Parts of angiospermic plant

II. EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY: a)Vegetative morphology: 2.1) Root: Root system; Types, Functions, Modification of roots (Velamen roots,
Photosynthetic roots, Respiratory roots, Parasitic roots, Storage roots and nodular roots). 2.2) Stem: characteristics and functions of the stem;
Modifications of stem: Aerial: Tendril, Thorn, Hook, Phylloclade, Tuberous stem and Bulbil; Sub-aerial: Runner, Stolon, Sucker & Offset, Underground:
Rhizome, Corm, Stem tuber & Bulb 2.3) Leaf: Parts of Leaf, Types and Functions of leaves, Venation, Phyllotaxy, Leaf modifications: - tendrils,
spines, scale leaves, phyllode, reproductive & trap leaves. b) Reproductive morphology: 2.4) Inflorescence: Introduction, Types of Inflorescence -
Racemose, Cymose and Special Types 2.5) Flower: Parts of a typical flower: Structure, Sex distribution and symmetry of flower, position of gynoecium.
Detailed description of flower: Perianth, Calyx, Corolla, aestivation, Androecium – Parts, fixation and dehiscence of anther, length of stamens, union
of stamens, Gynoecium – number of carpels, fusion of carples, ovary – number of locules , placentation, types of styles, stigma

III. REPRODUCTION IN ANGIOSPERMS: 3.1) Introduction – Sporophytic and Gametophytic stages 3.2) Structure of an Anther; Microsporogenesis,
Structure of a pollen grain and development of male gametophyte 3.3) Ovule – Structure and Types; megasporogenesis - development and structure
of embryosac 3.4) Pollination: Types of pollination, self and cross-pollination, contrivances for cross pollination and self pollination, agents of cross
pollination. 3.5) Fertilization – Process, Post - fertilization changes; Seed structure (Dicot & Monocot) and seed germination (epigeal, hypogeal &
vivipary) 3.6) Fruits: Classification; False fruits and true fruits - Simple fruits (fleshy fruits – berry, pome, pepo, hesperidium, drupe; Dry fruits –
dehiscent- legume, septicidal capsule, septifragal capsule, loculicidal capsule; Indehiscent fruits – caryopsis, cypsela, nut; schizocarpic – lomentum,
schizocarp); Aggregate and Multiple fruits

IV. PLANT TAXONOMY: 4.1) Introduction – Alpha and Omega taxonomy; Aspects of taxonomy – Identification – Flora, herbaria, botanical gardens (RBG
– Kew, IBG – Kolkata, NBG – Lucknow); Nomenclature, Classification – Types, Units and a brief account of Bentham & Hooker’s system. Study of
the following families: 4.2) Malvaceae 4.3) Fabaceae 4.4) Solanaceae 4.5) Liliaceae

V. CELL BIOLOGY: 5.1) Introduction, Techniques of Cell Biology – microscopy (light, electron, fluorescent, phase contrast, SEM, TEM – only uses),
Separation techniques 5.2) Ultrastructure of plant cell (Eukaryotic cell - Structure of cell wall and cell membrane, Protoplasm, cytoplasm, Plastids,
mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes and glyoxysomes, vacuoles and Nucleus). 5.3) Chromosomes
- Introduction, structure (light microscopic study), classification, functions and nucleosome model 5.4) Nucleic acids 5.5) Cell Division : Cell Cycle,
Mitosis and Meiosis

VI. INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF PLANTS: 6.1) Tissues – Types (Meristematic and Permanent ) and functions. 6.2) Internal structure of Dicot root
(Primary) and Monocot root. 6.3) Internal structure of Dicot stem (Primary) and Monocot stem. 6.4) Internal structure of leaf (Dicot and Monocot)
6.5) Secondary growth in dicot stem.

VII. PLANT ECOLOGY: 7.1) Introduction 7.2) Plant communities – Hydrophytes, Mesophytes and Xerophytes; Ecological adaptations (Morphological &
Anatomical) of Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.

VIII GENETICS: 8.1) Introduction 8.2) Mendel’s Principles – Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross, Back cross and Test cross, Concept of probability in relation
to Genetics. 8.3) Linkage and crossing over. 8.4) Mutations.

IX. PLANT KINGDOM: 9.1) Introduction 9.2) Spirogyra – distribution and habitat, thallus structure, cell structure, reproduction– vegetative, asexual,
sexual, life cycle 9.3) Rhizopus – distribution and habitat, structure of mycelium and hypha, reproduction – vegetative, asexual, sexual, life cycle,
sexuality in Rhizopus. 9.4) Funaria: distribution and habitat, external morphology of the gametophore, anatomy of the stem, reproduction – vegetative
and sexual, sporophyte, protonema, life cycle. 9.5) Pteris: distribution and habitat, Morphology of the sporophyte, anatomy of the Rhizome,
vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction, Embryo, life cycle. 9.6) Cycas: distribution and habitat, Morphology of the sporophyte, anatomy of the
coralloid root and leaflet, Reproduction, Embryo, Seed, life cycle.

X. MICROBIOLOGY: 10.1) Introduction and importance of microbiology. 10.2) Bacteria – Discovery, Distribution, sizes, shapes, Gram stain (in brief),
structure of cell, nutrition, reproduction –asexual (binary fission), sexual – Conjugation (F+ and F- only), transformation and transduction (only
definition, discoverer and example for transformation and transduction), economic importance – beneficial (Agriculture, Industry, Medicine,
Biotechnology), harmful (spoilage of food, plants, human and animal diseases). 10.3) Viruses – historical account, types, structure (TMV and T4
details), general account of sizes, shapes, replication (Lytic and Lysogenic cycles). Plant diseases caused by viruses, transmission of viruses and
control of viral diseases.

XI. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY : 11.1) Introduction A. WATER RELATIONS OF PLANTS: 11.2) Absorption of water – Introduction, soil water, water potential,
Diffusion, Imbibition, Osmosis, Plasmolysis, Mechanism of absorption of water. 11.3)Ascent of Sap: Definition, Cohesion – Tension theory
11.4) Transpiration : Definition, SPAC and types of transpiration, mechanism of stomatal movement, factors, significance, Anti- transpirants.
B. NUTRITION IN PLANTS 11.5) Introduction, types of nutrition (symbiosis, parasitism, chemotrophism, autotrophism)’ 11.6) Mineral nutrition –
Introduction, soil as source, criteria of essentiality, importance of macro and micro elements, ion absorption – passive and active (carrier concept),
Biofertilizers C. METABOLISM : 11.7) Enzymes – introduction, properties, IUB classification, mechanism of enzyme action (lock & key theory),enzyme
inhibition 11.8) Photosynthesis - Definition, pigments, structural organization of chloroplast, Mechanism of Photosynthesis – Light reactions - Hill
reaction, Emerson’s Enhancement Effect, PSI and PSII, electron transport and proton translocation, photophosphorylation, Carbon assimilation -
C3 , C4 pathways, Factors, Photorespiration, Blackman’s law. 11.9) Respiration – definition, Types, Mechanism of aerobic and anaerobic respiration,
Alcohol fermentation, Respiratory quotient (R.Q). 11.10) Nitrogen metabolism: Nitrogen cycle, Biological nitrogen fixation (Symbiotic, Non- symbiotic);
Genetic code, Biosynthesis of Proteins. 11.11) Plant growth & its regulators: Growth curve; introduction to growth regulators, physiological effects
and applications-Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abscisic acid and Ethylene; Photoperiodism and Vernalization.

XII. PLANTS AND HUMAN WELFARE: 12.1) Crop improvement – Introduction , aims and objectives of plant breeding; methods – definition, methodology,
advantages and achievements of Introduction, Selection (Mass, Pureline, Clonal), Hybridization, Heterosis, Mutation breeding and Polyploidy breeding.
Biotechnology: 12.2) Introduction, Definition, Scope and applications of Biotechnology 12.3) Genetic Engineering - Recombinant DNA Technology,
Genetically Modified Crops, Transgenic plants, Biosafety issues, applications of Genetic Engineering 12.4) Tissue Culture – techniques and
Applications. 12.5) Single cell protein 12.6) Mushroom Cultivation:Morphology and types of mushrooms; Food value; cultivation of white button

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