EAMCET 2011 Syllabus ZOOLOGY Agriculture Medicine Stream
Subject: ZOOLOGY
I. Zoology – The Basics: Nature and scope of Zoology, Areas of study under zoology, relationship between zoology and other sciences, basic principles of classification, need for classification, nomenclature, levels of classification or systematic hierarchy, species concept, outline classification of the kingdom animalia.
II. General characters and classifications Invertebrate Phyla (upto the level of classes): Protozoa-general characters and brief account of
classification, Porifera – general characters & classification, Cnidaria – general characters and classification, Platyhelminthes – general characters
and classification, Nematoda – general characters and classification, Annelida – general characters and classification, Arthropoda – general characters
and classification, Mollusca – general characters and classification, Echinodermata – general characters and classification.
III. Animal Organization: Introduction, Multicellularity Diploblastic, triploblastic organization, Symmetry – types and characteristic features of each
symmetry with examples i.e. Asymmetry, Radial Symmetry, Biradial symmetry Bilateral symmetry, Definition of Coelome, definitions and examples of
acoelomates, pseudocoelomates and enterocoelomates, The structure of a generalized animal cell (brief account only), Animal Tissues (brief account)
epithelial tissues, connective tissue proper, supporting tissue, fluid tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue.
IV. Locomotion and Reproduction in Protozoa: Locomotion – Introduction, locomotor organelles in Protozoans (pseudopodia, cilia, flagella) giving
examples, Locomotion in Protozoans – amoeboid movement, Sol-gel theory, Ciliary and Flagellar movements synchronal and metachronal movements
in Paramecium, Effective & Recovery strokes, Reproduction in Protozoa, Types of Reproduction (i) Asexual reproduction types – Transverse binary
fission in paramecium, longitudinal binary fission in Euglena (ii) Sexual reproduction in Protozoa Conjugation in Vorticella and its significance.
V. Animal Associations: Definition and examples of Mutualism, Symbiosis, Commensalism, Parasitism, Structure, life cycles, diseases and preventive
measures of the following parasites (1) Entamoeba histolytica (structure, life cycle pathogenecity, prevention), (2) Plasmodium vivax (structure, life
cycle pathogenecity, prevention), (3) Taenia solium (External characters body wall, organs in mature proglottid, fertilization Life-cycle-Pathogenecity)
(4) Wuchereria bancrofti (structure, life cycle, pathogenecity, prevention).
VI. Phylum Annelida: Pheritema posthuma – (1) Introduction, importance, different genera, species, habit & habitat. External characters – structure and
arrangement of setae, (2) body wall coelom, wall of alimentary canal and locomotion, Pheretima (3) digestive system, Respiratory system, Pheritema
: (4) Blood vascular system, (5) Excretory system, (6) Nervous system, (7) Reproductive system, (8) copulation, cocoon formation & development,
Regeneration, economic importance.
VII. Phylum : Arthropoda: (1) Arthropoda – Introduction – Evolutionary characters of Arthropoda, (2) Cockroach, Periplaneta americana – external
features, body wall, Endoskeleton, stink glands, coelom, fat bodies, locomotion, Cockroach – Digestive system, Respiratory system, Nervous system,
sense organs, structure of ommatidium, (3) Mouth parts of insects, cockroach, Mosquito, Housefly, Butterfly, (4) Economic importance of insects (i)
useful insects (ii) harmful insects.
VIII. Man & Biosphere: (1) Elementary aspects of ecosystem, Abiotic factors - light, temperature, water and their biological effects on organisms, Biotic
factors: producers, consumers and decomposers, (2) Functional aspects of ecosystem, food chains, food web, ecological pyramids, Lake as an
example of fresh water ecosystem, population ecology – Population density, growth and growth curves, (3) Biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity
and wild life conservation.
IX. Phylum – Chordata: (1) Characteristics of Chordata, Ancestry of Chordates, Outline classification of Chordata, Theories of origin of Chordata, (2)
General features of Sub-phylum Urochordata & Sub-phylum Cephalochordata, (3) Sub-phylum Vertebrata : Pisces - General Characters, Classification
with examples, Amphibia : General characters, Classification with examples.
X. Reptilia – Aves & Mammalia: (1) Reptilia: General Characters, Classification of Chelonia, Rhynocephalia, Squamata and Crocodilia with typical
examples, Identification of poisonous and non poisonous snakes, poison apparatus, toxicity of snake venom and treatment of snake bite including
first aid. (2) Aves: Distinctive features, Classification, differences between Ratitae and carinatae with typical examples. (3) Mammalia : Distinctive
features of Prototheria, Metatheria & Eutheria with examples.
XI. Rabbit – Functional Anatomy-I (Digestive System, Respiratory System & Circulatory System): (1) Classification and External characters of
Rabbit, (2) Digestive System, Alimentary Canal, Digestive Glands, Nutrition & Digestion, Process of Digestion, Role of Vitamins and Mineral in
Nutrition, Nutritional requirements in relation to balanced diet, (3) Respiratory system, Mechanism of breathing and transport of gases. (4) Circulatory
System, Structure of heart, Function of heart, Arterial system, Venous System, Blood Clotting.
XII. Rabbit-Functional Anatomy-II (Musclo-Skeletal System, Excretory System, Reproductive System): Musculo Skeletal System, Ultra Structure of
Muscle fibre, sliding filament theory, Elementary idea of Axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton: Types of Joints. Excretory System, Excretory
Organs, Structure of nephron in mammals, Formation and Composition of Urine, Micturition. Reproductive system: Male Reproductive system,
Female Reproductive system, Copulation, Fertilization and Development, Placenta. Gestation period.
XIII. Rabbit – Functional Anatomy-III (Nervous System, Endocrine Glands and their role in Human beings, Immunology): Nervous System, Central,
Peripheral and autonomous nervous systems Roman nomenclature of Cranial and Spinal nerves and their functions. Generation and Propagation of
Nerve Impulse, Endocrine System: Endocrine glands and Role of Hormones. Endocrine disorders in Human beings. Immunology : Types of Immunity,
Organs of Immune system, Cells of Immune systems, Soluble mediators of Immunity. Antigens, Mechanism of Humoral and cell mediated Immunities,
Immunological disorders: AIDS, Hepatitis. .
XIV. Genetics-Introduction: (1) Multiple alleles and Blood groups, ABO Blood groups, Rh antigens, Sex determination, Sex Chromosomes, Heterogametic
sex determination, Sex determination in Drosophila, Sex determination and Sexual differentiation in human being, Haplodiploidy in honey bee,
Effects of environment on sex determination, Hormonal control of sex determination, Sex linked inheritance, Sex linkage in drosophila, Genes on the
sex chromosomes, Sex linked characters in human beings, X-linked characters, Y-linked characters, X-Y linked character, Sex limited characters,
Sex influenced characters. (2) Gene Expression and regulation, Genetic Materials, Function of Genes, Gene regulation in prokaryotes, Gene expression
in eukaryotes, concepts of Gene action one gene one poly peptide concept only. (3) Basic concepts of animal breeding, System of breeding,
Heterosis, Progeny Test, Cloning, Transgenic animals. Genome and Human genome project, Gene Mapping, D.N.A. finger printing, An elementary
idea of gene therapy.
XV. Organic Evolution: Evolutionary concepts and origin of life, Experimental verification of chemical origin of life. Theories of Evolution : Lamarckism or
Inheritance of acquired characters, Darwinism or Natural Selection, Sexual selection, Artificial selection, Mutation theory of evolution, Synthetic
theory of evolution or Neo-Darwinism : Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and evolutionary process – Natural selection, Genetic load, Genetic Drift, Changes
in Genotype frequencies and Speciation.
XVI. Applied Biology: (1) Aquaculture: List of animals of aquaculture importance, Fisheries – fish culture and rearing methods. (2) Poultry : Introduction
to Poultry, Poultry farming, Poultry diseases. (3) Biotechnology : Recombinant D.N.A. technology, Industrial use of micro organisms and DNA
Technology, Vaccines, Enzymes, hormones, Interferons Monoclonal anti bodies. (4) Cell cycle and its regulation, cancer biology, stem cells. (5) Bio
medical technology : X-ray radiography, Definitions of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electro Cardiography (ECG), Electro Encephalography
(EEG), Transplantation, ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay).
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Tags: EAMCET 2011 Syllabus ZOOLOGY Agriculture Medicine Stream EAMCET 2011 ZOOLOGY Syllabus download EAMCET 2011 Syllabus download EAMCET Syllabus download
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